‘‘ I may earn a small commission from the companies mentioned in my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products I use personally and believe will work amazingly for my clients and readers. Read full disclaimer HERE’’.

How To Look After Your Children’s Hair….

As a hairdresser working with ladies and families all day every day, I see a lot of struggles when it comes to dealing with little ones hair.. As there is no help and guidance on how to treat their hair and as a mama or papa focussing on your babies overall health and everything else to worry about becoming a parent

What Should Be In Your Make Up Kit?

I get asked on a daily basis what products are best on the skin, the truth is to create a make up routine that works specifically for you and your skin you need to have a few key products and the right tools to apply..

Hair Loss and Shedding - Why it happens and how to prevent it…

As a hairdresser, I get asked tons of complex questions on a daily basis. A lot of which back in the days of 16 year old me, the hairdressing industry did not teach, especially when it comes to scalp health. As frustrating as it is a lot of dealing with clients is simply not taught within the curriculum of NVQ.

Wedding Essentials

Following my recent award win as one of Best Hair and Make Up Artists in the North West, voted by Hitched.co.uk, I thought I'd write a blog to help my brides prepare for their wedding day and give you my recommendations of essential products that will help keep you fresh throughout the day.

Top 5 Books Every Boss Babe Should Read

I even think the consistency it takes to read a book from start to finish alone is an amazing lesson, consistency is EVERYTHING!These books are my favourite and are classic books with a simple context. Come on girls! We got this!

Frizzy Hair - Perfect Haircare to Keep Your Hair Healthy and Smooth

I deal with clients on a daily basis who struggle with frizzy hair.. If you find yourself blasting your hair then ‘whizzing’ over the ends with the straighteners to gain some kind of control then you may need to look at a couple of factors that can lead to frizzy hair. A couple of questions to ask yourself:

DIY Custom Lipstick Palette - Make Your Own..

This is a super fun way of getting creative with your make up and you’ll find your lipsticks will last forever. Not only does it compact your kit but it means you can mix colours and getting completely unique lipsticks every day. 

How To Prepare For Your Wedding Day..

Your wedding is booked, you have insane amounts of things to prepare, the way your going to look and feel on the biggest day of your life seems like the last thing on your mind right now but preparing in advance can stop a lot of inconveniences popping up and spoiling the way you feel when it matters most.

The Best Make Up Products - On A Budget

Every day as a make up artist I get asked about the best make up products on the market, of course I have my favourite brands and select products that are an absolute must in my kit both professional and personal, certain products that your make up just doesn’t go on the same without.

How To Clean Your Make Up Brushes - The Ultimate Guide

If your brushes are so matted with make up they barely feel like a brush any more, it sounds like you need to follow my step by step guide on how to get the best results.

10 Amazing Gift Ideas For Your BFF

Here I introduce you to the ultimate guide of what to buy your bestie as a gift, Im saying for Christmas but I’d say its always lovely to treat your friends all year round, I have specified super girly gifts for the gal who has everything but still hasnt got enough

10 Essential Tips For New Business Owners

Here I explain 10 top tips for new business owners starting out in this amazing industry.

BedHead Product Guide

I have worked very hard over the years to build knowledge of the ever evolving products on the market but always retreat back to BedHead.. Here is my guide on my favourite products, I am affiliated with Amazon but regardless my opinions are from my own experience and recommendations. Enjoy!

Top Beauty Products For Your Every Day Routine

Achieving that holiday (sorry not sorry, ha)! glow to the skin, combing your brows, applying some lipgloss can make such a difference and doesn’t have to break the bank and take a lot of time.

Glow Recipe - The Ultimate Skin. Care Routine

As a make up artist, I get asked all the time about skin care. What products are best, how to figure out your own skin tone, the specific products for different skin types etc. In skin care there are no silly questions as, lets face it, googling it makes us even more confused than when we began.


For months now I’ve been researching the affects of sleeping in silk. It seems were always talking about beauty treatments, what products are going to give us amazing effortless hair and skin care products that are going to make our skin glow… We all know a healthy diet helps against break outs and drinking plenty of water can help with a glowing complexion and SPF is essential for youthful and healthy skin - but did you know the material of your pillowcase can change your whole beauty game


So when the clock struck midnight on the 31st December 2020, I think we were all disappointed when the remnants of 2020 wasn’t miraculously wiped from our memory. Spending what is usually the most miserable month of the year in a national lockdown really isn’t ideal, and its even worse news for our hair.


With a hopeful end in sight, the warmer weather coming and our freedom upon us its time to dust ourselves off and get real about how we want to look in 2021. Trends seem to have fallen by the waste side slightly and very little inspiration fashion wise. Im going to focus this blog on us as ladies (and some men), how we can make ourselves feel as good as possible and recommending products that arn’t going to hurt your bank account.

The Mullet of 2021

So it has been a crazy year, fashion and trends seem to have been forgotten but one trend that is massive is The Mullet of 2021.. Would you dare? Controversial - you either love it or hate it! Im personally loving it and read its a hair style for an 'out there' girl, someone who is too cool to care what people think, the anti fashionable, a rebellious delinquent… I may just start growing mine! Ha!

Hair loss or shedding can be very daunting.. clumps of hair in your hand or plughole can be the trigger to know that something may not be right, I feel as women we know when something with our bodies is off and we shouldn't ignore it.. there are two types of hair loss, genetic and reactive, Im going to explain the difference and how you can treat it.

So we made it to Christmas! Yay! Iv put my tree up and am working so hard throughout December before the big day, my clients are so glad to be having their hair done and freshened up to…. sit on the sofa in cute pjs..here is my beauty gift guide of 2020, treat yourself and a loved one to the gift of beauty and pamper this year….


Iv spent my time in lockdown cheering myself up by researching trends of a better time, looking at what the catwalks are forecasting what were all going to be wearing in the next couple of months (no, not loungewear)!

Like all new products and services in the hair and make up industry I like to wait and see whether new fads stand the test of time. As time has gone on however and hearing more and more reviews about this wonder product I decided to learn more about the now 8 steps, when broken down on a scientific level I feel it makes sense and having used it and seen the results I am now absolutely hooked. 


Dark mornings, darker evenings, dull, blustery weather, when will the sun come back?! As you can probably agree January has felt like the longest month in history! If your looking in the mirror wondering where your complexion went, asking how your going to get that shine back to your hair then look no further! Here are 5 ways to get out of a winter hair rut…


Its the time of year where flowers are blooming, the sun is slowly starting to make an appearance and those invites keep rolling in. RSVPs await as brides plan tables, cakes and most importantly DRESSES…


Mother nature cant half be a bi**ch to us ladies! It has to be said that after everything we have to endure as women and the pro creators, although we are blessed it does really take its toll on the hair! 


So here goes… As a hairdresser if I had a pound for every time I had been asked for ‘ice white’ or ‘grey blonde’ hair I’d be giving Kylie Jenner a run for her money on her bank account. Im going to clear things up with this ‘trend’


Gone are the days where lets face it bad hairdressers did ‘mobile hairdressing’ these days its considered more of a necessity to have your roots touched up, a blow-dry before a big meeting or hair and make up ready for a wedding or night out in the comfort of your own environment.


We’ve all been there… spending an hour being shampooed, combed, brushed and pinned in order to get the perfect voluptuous blow-dry. 


The main thing I say to all my clients is DO NOT BOX DYE YOUR HAIR!!! I know i’m biased as I am a professional and we are educated from being new born into the industry that ‘box dye’ is the devil but that because we know the science behind why they are damaging on the hair and the affects long term they can have. 


Anyone who knows me or works with me knows how much I love Kerastase… referring to themselves as the ‘Prada of haircare’ the luxury of this brand is amazing. The science that goes into the products is world leading and once you start using it your hair will thank you for it.

5 ways to pamper yourself and make the most out of your time at home.

Brands I Work With…

Why You Should Be Using Olaplex and What It Can Do For Your Hair?…
Zoe Pointing Zoe Pointing

Why You Should Be Using Olaplex and What It Can Do For Your Hair?…

Like all new products and services in the hair and make up industry I like to wait and see whether new fads stand the test of time. When I first heard of Olaplex and how it was this miracle product that helped Kim K get from jet black to ice white blonde, I was dubious to say the least, thinking it was a here today gone tomorrow product I didnt think much of it. As time has gone on however and hearing more and more reviews about this wonder product I decided to learn more about the now 8 steps, when broken down on a scientific level I feel it makes sense and having used it seen the results I am now absolutely hooked.

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Custom Lipstick Palette… How to make the perfect lip palette…
Zoe Pointing Zoe Pointing

Custom Lipstick Palette… How to make the perfect lip palette…

Once you have everything you need, my video below shows you exactly how to create your own custom palette. This is a super fun way of getting creative with your make up and you’ll find your lipsticks will last forever. Not only does it compact your kit but it means you can mix colours and getting completely unique lipsticks every day.

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Questions Your Practioner Should Be Asking Your Before ANY Treatment…
Zoe Pointing Zoe Pointing

Questions Your Practioner Should Be Asking Your Before ANY Treatment…

So in what has become the most competitive and unregulated industry in history its so important to understand the basics of what your practitioner should be doing within their business and practice. To ensure you are equipped with some information before you attend will help you build your confidence and ease any anxiety about cosmetic procedures that you may have.

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10 Essential Tips For New Business Owners..
Zoe Pointing Zoe Pointing

10 Essential Tips For New Business Owners..

Building a steady, loyal clientele in a service based industry is absolutely paramount to long term success. This takes consistency, and being proactive with potential clients, networking events, rebooking clients and providing a flawless service from the first point of contact all the way through to receiving feedback of your services. I have designed a super cute printable guide which goes into detail of what to do to create the freedom in your life and being able to do what you love every day!

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5 Best Books - You Need To Read
Zoe Pointing Zoe Pointing

5 Best Books - You Need To Read

Most people don’t read, which is fine. However people who read are so much more likely to acquire the knowledge it requires to be successful. I even think the consistency it takes to read a book from start to finish alone is an amazing lesson, consistency is EVERYTHING! A little progress every day can change your whole life. These books are my favourite and are classic books with a simple context. Come on girls! We got this!

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Follow The Kit….

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