Wedding Essentials - Your Beauty Guide for Your Big Day…

Following my recent award win as one of Best Hair and Make Up Artists in the North West, voted by, I thought I'd write a blog to help my brides prepare for their wedding day and give you my recommendations of essential products that will help keep you fresh throughout the day.

From start to finish the average wedding day lasts around 14 hours, thats a long time… and a LOT of staying power for your hair, make up and deodorant… with a professional hair and make up artist they can make sure you have the best hair style that will work for your hair type and with pro make up you can bet it will last as best as possible..

However, when your poised like a princess, dancing like a mad woman and hugging your mothers best friends cousin, after a good 7 hours your going to feel like a freshen up to keep you going until sleepy time…

I have specified some absolute key items to keep with you on the day..

Pro Tip: Its a super cute idea to make some wedding party bags for your bridesmaids with the essential items in, this makes a lovely girly gift and can help your girls out too!

Beauty Blotting Paper

If you’ve ever been on a night out and ended up feeling like your make up has just slid straight off your face after a few cocktails then you need blotting papers, these fine slices of special paper absorb any oil in the skin without removing your make up! They come in packs of 100 and in cute packaging so you can easily carry them in your purse. Perfect to keep your make up in tact the whole day and night!


This sounds like an obvious one but you’d be surprised how many brides forget a little top up throughout the day.. Obviously its your wedding day.. people are going to be hugging you, after enough hugs the hair may get slightly flat and frizzy, especially if your wearing it down, give yourself a mist of LIGHT weight hairspray to keep frizz and bay, you’ll be surprised how much fresher you feel…

Eyelash Glue

The main thing that terrifies most women about wearing false eyelashes is the absolute fear of one them pealing off half way through a special occasion, as a professional MUA there are ways to avoid this and touch wood I’v never had a client say its happened to them, not on my watch, however its better to be safe than sorry, between you and your bridesmaids one person should hold some eyelash glue.


Freshen yourself up with some beautiful soft perfume, I am obsessed with Pomegranate Noir by Jo Malone and love the small bottles, absolutely perfect for carrying in a purse and can help you feel fresh throughout the day.


Id say this was the most important refresher for your day, I know, I know its super boujee to have Alien deodorant but oh my its not just any deodorant, not only does it smell beyond delicious it literally lasts so long. I recently bought it as a treat to myself, from, well myself and wow, I have now set the bar at such a beautiful deodorant, I can’t go back to using basic old Right Guard! haha!

Lip Kit Top Up

A reapplication of lippy can make your whole make up feel like its freshly done. Apply lipstick throughout the day and if your feeling brave some lipgloss will bring your whole face together. I love the Charlotte Tilbury lip kit, its perfect for creating shape with the pencil, colour with the lipstick and juic y lips with the gloss.

Setting Spray

Back in the day we used actual hairspray on the face to help set make up, all good until you forget anfd breathe up mid spray to almost gas yourself, nowadays we have face friendly setting spray. Spray an arms length away from the face and be sure to close your eyes! I love this as it refreshes your make up and if your feeling warm and slightly sweaty can chill you and calm you right down mid socialising…


How To Look After Your Children’s Hair….


The Ultimate Blowdry Kit…