5 Best Books - You Need To Read

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Most people don’t read, which is fine. However people who read are so much more likely to acquire the knowledge it requires to be successful. I even think the consistency it takes to read a book from start to finish alone is an amazing lesson, consistency is EVERYTHING! A little progress every day can change your whole life. These books are my favourite and are classic books with a simple context. Come on girls! We got this!

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Written by Robert Kayosaki, this book should genuinely be read in schools. Helping you understand the mindsets of two different breeds of people. Youll certainly be able to distinguish the difference between the two after reading. Most of you will be able to relate and maybe have both a rich dad and poor dad in your life. This book changes your attitude towards money and basically helps you unlearn everything you have learnt.

Happy Sexy Millionaire - Steven Bartlett is a successful entrepreneur who delivers the most honest and down to earth language in this book. He doesn’t claim to make you a millionaire nor is this a ‘self help’ book, he emphasises how difficult it is in modern times to not compare yourself to others on social media and how to combat this and stay in your own lane. I listened to this on Audible and found it so refreshing and relatable.

The Creature From Jekyll Island

To understand money is unlearning basically everything we’ve ever been taught. Taking a step away and understanding what money actually is, how it works across the planet and who are making it. The hierarchy of how its been designed and how for the most part no-one questions it… until now. This book is backed up with pure evidence and is an honest account of what really happens when we put money into the banking system. Having been updated year by year keeping it current this book will blow your mind and you may never see money in the same way again.

The Secret - Rhonda Byrne

An oldie but goodie! This classic book about the law of attraction and how the universe works sounds like some sci fi crap - well it really isn’t! Iv seen first hand how a persons way of thinking can literally change their whole lives for better or for worse. The power of thought, energy and vibrations is not a myth, it doesn’t matter whether you believe in it or not, a lot like gravity, its happening regardless. As humans if we cant physically see something we shy away from it, write it off and tend to actually fear it. A fear of the unknown can narrow your mind so much into imprisonment. This book teaches to be open minded so you can let the universe work its magic.

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
First released in the 1930s by Napoleon Hill who watched and monitored most successful people of the time and clarified their behaviour, beliefs and principles.

Concluded into 13 principles of what it takes to become successful not only financially but in everything. This book focusses on the law of attraction without saying as such. I love the fact it gives you practical advice and exercises to do.

You can also get these books from Audible…

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Happy Sexy Millionaire

The Creature From Jekyll Island

The Secret

Think and Grow Rich


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