Post Partum Hair Loss... and how to beat it!

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Mother nature cant half be a bi**ch to us ladies! It has to be said that after everything we have to endure as women and the pro creators, although we are blessed it does really take its toll on the hair! 

Just when our ladies are feeling sleep deprived, out of sorts and have this tiny human depending on them they find that around 3-4 months after giving birth their hair starts falling and thinning.. but don't fret! I have researched, experimented and worked with 100s of ladies post partum, here I explain the science behind why hair loss can happen, what products I recommend and tips on how to make your hair stronger. 

So your hair is falling out in clumps, your plughole and bath is full of your hair and your starting to panic.. Hair loss after giving birth is completely normal so please don’t stress too much. Its hard not to panic and get upset but trust me major stress can make it worse. 

First of all get yourself an amazing hairdresser!

Someone who can work with you through this delicate time. Regular haircuts are essential for rebuilding the strength of the hair. A technique called blunt cutting needs to be used to create abundance to the hair, getting rid of split ends will help strengthen the hair. I would recommend around every 6-8 weeks.


Protein is your bestie!

The hair needs an equal balance of protein and moisture, I find when dealing with post partum hair it lacks protein, therefore your shampoo and conditioner is paramount, I recommend BedHead Dumb Blonde. This is a more affordable product for every day use, the ingredients in this are flawless and work into the hair beautifully while not weighing the hair down. 


If your hair loss is quite severe you need Nioxin System 2 Shampoo and Conditioner - Nioxin do not claim to be hair loss products although they pride themselves on removing sebum from the scalp which causes hair loss.


Im constantly being asked about supplements, especially as my clients go through hormonal changes whether this is related to post partum or menopause. I am not medically trained and can not diagnose medication or treatment but do know that Biotin massively helps with hair growth. Taking supplements is something we should all be doing and I have seen amazing results from clients assisting their diets with a tablet a day. 

I recommend HairBurst! I love this brand, the fact they make taking supplements fun! Not only do they actually work but are chewable too. They do a supplement and shampoo and conditioner bundle which I have had amazing feedback off clients for.

Ditch The Pony!

Lastly try to avoid tying your hair up tightly. Pony tails which are pulled tight cause unnecessary strain on the hair and scalp, try to find ways to put your hair up loosely and leave it down at night time. Try using spiral hair ties as these lessen the tension on the hair and scalp and long term will drastically reduce the risk of hair breakage and thinning.

The Science…

The major thing that I’m always telling clients is that while pregnant the estrogen and progesterone levels go crazy, causing the hair to stay in an ongoing stage of growth, this makes your hair thicker, more of it and more lustrous strands. In the months following child birth your hormones level out shocking the hair causing it to fall. This can take around 3 months after giving birth to start as before that the hair is in ‘resting’ stage. The following months new hair grows faster but can cause ‘fly away’ and frizzy hair at the roots. The good news is this hair grows a lot faster so will soon catch up but I find that this is when the hair needs extra care and attention. The hair on the hairline is the weakest hair so finding that it looks broken and wispy is also completely normal. I have cut fringes in to avoid this which works amazingly but make sure you speak to an honest stylist before making the leap. 

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