5 Reasons to have your hair done at home…

mobile hairdresser manchester

Disclaimer: My blog posts contain affiliate links, this means that at no extra cost to you, I may receive commission on some products mentioned in my blog. I only mention products I genuinely support and love so you can be confident I am only recommending products that have been tried and tested by me or my clients. 

Gone are the days where lets face it bad hairdressers did ‘mobile hairdressing’ these days its considered more of a necessity to have your roots touched up, a blow-dry before a big meeting or hair and make up ready for a wedding or night out in the comfort of your own environment.

I have been known to travel to offices in London, hotels in Manchester, apartments in Liverpool and even a gym in Cheshire to provide my ladies with the best hair and make up service at just the right time. With our lives getting busier, days seeming shorter and just too much to do within the day its becoming evident that ladies need to feel good on the go. Here are 5 amazing reasons to have your hair done at home.

Its Surprising What You Can Get Done In 35 mins….

Not only can you choose a day and time that is convenient for you to book in, I come along and set up in your kitchen, after having a full consultation about what will be carried out I then apply the colour. This is then left to develop for 35-50 mins depending on colour, its surprising what my clients get done in their own home in that time, talk about multi tasking! I have seen mummies preparing dinner, feeding kids, putting washing in, putting washing out, packing for a trip, sending emails. Yes I agree its not the most glamorous but oh so practical!

mobile hairdresser manchester

Its Private and More Comfortable….

I bring everything to you including a professional service, top training, honest advice and am friendly and outgoing (if I do say so myself) ha! I pride myself on not just doing your hair but providing tips on how to create looks yourself, cheat hacks to look good on the go and recommend products with unbiased opinions, I don’t sell products so anything I do recommend is purely because I love them! All this while being comfortable and private in your own environment…


Build A Better Relationship With Your Stylist…

I find that clients feel a lot more comfortable opening up when I am doing their hair or make up. Building relationships with my clients is paramount, a trust has to be earned on both sides and being punctual, keeping in contact in between visits adds to the experience. I have been visiting some clients for over 10 years (when I was 18)!!! I could write a book about the information I have been told but have a strict confidentiality policy of never talking about clients. I must admit it is lovely sitting in a kitchen with a cup of coffee having a cheeky gossip.. would I even be a hairdresser if I didn’t LOVE a chinwag?!

mobile hairdresser manchester

Cheaper not Cheapo..

Although a freelancer like myself has outgoings in order to be able to safely and legally operate such as public liability insurance, accountant, a reliable vehicle and a hella lotta mileage, additional training, professional products, advertising, we don’t have the serious overheads of a salon. In my experience a salon has such large overheads its so hard for them to be able to offer services without a bigger price tag. Paying more for your hair doesn’t necessarily mean your getting a better service or products, its about the stylist him/herself that’s important, if you get yourself a hairdresser who doesn’t butcher you, knows exactly how big 1 inch actually is and listens to exactly what you want hold onto them like gold dust!

mobile hairdresser manchester

Escape The Famous British Weather..

Ever walked out of the salon with your new bouncy locks and fresh colour then been blown to pieces by the wind or even worse drenched by the misty rain?! Avoid this by staying in the comfort of your home and staying warm, dry and frizz free! Plus no parking fees!

mobile hairdresser manchester

To clarify I understand that there are pros and cons to both a salon and freelance, I personally love working for myself as I find that I build a better relationship with my clients and gain a trust that is irreplaceable. Lets be honest there is nothing better than sitting in a amazingly lit salon with issues of Vogue and a frothy coffee but lets face it with family, home life, jobs and businesses to run, practicality stumps glam any day.

Zowie Xx

mobile hairdresser manchester

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