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Questions Your Practioner Should Be Asking Your Before ANY Treatment…

So in what has become the most competitive and unregulated industry in history its so important to understand the basics of what your practitioner should be doing within their business and practice. To ensure you are equipped with some information before you attend will help you build your confidence and ease any anxiety about cosmetic procedures that you may have.

Health and Safety

There are vital health and safety questions your aesthetics practitioner should be checking with you. A health questionaire should be sent to you before the appointment and then should be checked over during the consulation. If you are pregnant or lactating no treatment should be carried out. Major health issues and allergies should be stated and certain illnesses may mean you are not eligiable for treatment. Allergies such as any previous reactions to lidocaine and hyaluronidase would mean you could not have dermal filler.

Lidocaine is the pain relief which is an ingredient in most dermal filler products, it helps numb the injection area so overall makes it a LOT less painful as the treatment is carried out. Within fillers this is really the only ingredient that your body can react to as hyaluronic acid is naturally produced in the body so the body doesnt reject this.

Hyaluronidase is also known as dermal filler dissolver. This is mainly used if you ask your practitioner to dissolve your present filler, this could be to erase old work, migration in order to start again. If this is the case the practitioner has to be insured to do this as it is a prescription only product so liase with the prescriber should also be carried out. Hyaluronidase can also be used in the event of an emergency.

If, whilst injecting your practitioner injects filler into a facial artery, you would get what is called vascular occlusion, this is where there is a blockage of circulation and nutrients to the cells of the area, in this case the area would go dark, however this should not be mistaken for bruising. In this state of emergency your practitioner would be able to get urgent permission to use hyaluronidase, this would be injected straight into the occlusion and would then dissolve any filler causing the blockage.

Thankfully this is very very rare and with the correct response can provide normal results. This is why it is very important to inform your practitioner of any allergies. It can also be mostly avoided by using the correct technique of injecting, aspirating, this is a simple technique that all injectors should be doing before depositing any product, it basically makes sure the needle isnt inserted into an artery and tests that it is safe to inject.

Consent Forms

If your an aesthetics practitioner and would like professional consent forms for your aesthetics business I have designed and made downloadable forms, you can either buy them as they are are or buy the fully editable forms for you to add your own name, wording and logo. Check them out here


Your practitioner should first understand what you wish to achieve - this way they can determine what is achievable and what needs to be done. At this point I would maybe NOT show your practitioner a pair of a lovely lady off Instagram’s lips, this is not realistic and you should be in no way compared to someone with a completely different face. (See above)

They should then assess the area and skin condition, any known skin conditions should be clearly stated and any active cold sores (herpes virus) should be detected. Treatment can not be carried out on or arounnd any open wounds or infection sites.

Making you feel comfortable

Establishing a rapport with you is paramount to ease nerves and eradicate any feelings of discomfort. An explaination of success chances should be discussed with you depending on the goal. An honest review of what is to be done and time frames of results should also be discussed.

While discussing expectations the reasons you are wanting treatment - the practitioner should at this point determine what treatment is best in order to get you amazing results!

Book Me

Having undergone intense training in aesthetics along with working in the hair and make up industry for 15 years working with clients all day every day I have met and built relationships with people of all warps of life. I understand as a woman what we do in order to feel the best version of ourselves and if that means using a needle then I am down! My motto in life is everything in moderation, you wont see any over frozen faces and lumpy filled lips, just subtle changes to make you feel better. As with everything in the media, things can get a real misconception and I know aesthetics has had its drama.

My main advice would be to attend a consultation, ask any relavant questions and make sure you feel 100% and confident in your practitioner.

To book an online consultation with me click the button.