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10 Reasons You Should Be Using A Silk Pillowcase…

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For months now I’ve been researching the affects of sleeping in silk. It seems were always talking about beauty treatments, what products are going to give us amazing effortless hair and skin care products that are going to make our skin glow… We all know a healthy diet helps against break outs and drinking plenty of water can help with a glowing complexion and SPF is essential for youthful and healthy skin - but did you know the material of your pillowcase can change your whole beauty game. If you think how many hours are spent brushed up against our pillows, this is a lot, especially if the material is playing havoc with your hair and skin..

Here are 10 reasons to make the switch and invest in this beautiful material…

  1. Extend the Life of Your Haircut and Blow-dry and Prevents Bedhead

Silk reduces friction on your hair making your smooth locks stay frizz free. Having had a lovely bouncy blow-dry, my clients are always asking for tips on how to make their blow-dry last, this is definitely up there with the biggest tip I offer.

2. Helps Prevent Split Ends

With less friction your hair will have less breakage and split ends. If you wear hair extensions a silk pillowcase is an absolute must, causing less friction on the scalp reducing the ‘matting’ feeling you can often get with bonds, tapes and weaves. Long term this will cause a lot less stress on the hair and scalp making your hair overall feel healthier.

3. Silk Pillowcases Are Hypoallergenic

Regardless of how clean and tidy you are, dust appears, this can cause skin problems and sometimes allergies. If you suffer with eczema or psoriasis, I would highly recommend investing in silk sheets aswell as just the pillowcase. This can have a drastic affect on how the skin reacts during sleep as silk has natural resistances to dust mites and other allergens.

4. Cuts Out On Breakouts

Since silk is less absorbent than cotton, its less likely to pick up pore clogging bacteria like cotton, this leads to fewer breakouts, sleep pretty, wake up pretty.

5. Helps Frevent Facial Creases

Fabrics like cotton can pull and tug on your skin, this isn’t good for your skin in the long run. Silk is smooth and has little friction so you won’t wake up with creases in your skin.

6. Regulates Temperature

Silk has a natural heat regulator, so your pillowcase will keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter! Next time your worried about being cold in the winter, think again!

7. Is Amazing for Pregnant and Menopausal Ladies

Our crazy lady hormones can cause our body temperature to rise, especially when pregnant or menopausal - I bought my mum a silk pillowcase and she honestly says it has changed her sleep pattern, peri menopausal ladies can struggle with hot sweats and a raised body temperature, the regulating material is amazing if you find yourself unable to sleep and toss and turn trying to nod off.

8. Helps Extend The Life Of Your Face Cream

As silk is not an absorbent material, you wont feel like your face cream has sank into your pillow. I mean we are talking serious lady pampering here, cleansing, toning and moisturising our faces, then sleeping in silk, what divas!

9. Helps Prevent Wrinkles and Dry Skin

As previously mentioned silk doesn’t cause friction on the skin like cotton and other materials. This can make a huge difference to the texture on your skin, especially long term. Silk wont dry out the skin as much as cotton due to the lack of friction, therefore will prevent fine dried lines that can appear over time - its definitely cheaper than botox!

10. Feels Super Luxurious

So, I know this whole sleeping in silk thing sounds extravagant and very indulgent, however the amount of time we spend in bed. the quality of sleep, and the affect it can have on our whole lives is, well, priceless.

Waking up from a decent nights sleep, feeling fresher, and having better skin can only make us as women (and men) feel so much better. We deserve the best and I can guarantee you will sleep better and therefore feel better, healthier and stronger ready to take on this crazy world!

Having done vast research into pillowcases, I found Amazon sell the most reasonably priced for the quality.


So, having made you know that a silk pillowcase is the best thing since sliced bread, I know your now wondering where to start with sourcing one. The truth is you have to be very careful and double check the material is genuine and a very good quality before purchasing. ‘Satin and silky’ are the top marketing words for a material that can feel similar to silk but not be any where near the quality.

There are 3 things to look for when looking:

  1. Percentage: Many 'silk' pillowcases are actually a silk-cotton blend.

    Make sure the packaging confirms that is 100% silk.

  2. Type: Mulberry Silk, which comes from silkworms that only eat mulberry leaves, is the most durable type of silk and is considered to be the highest quality.

  3. Weight: Unlike cotton, thread count is not a definitive qualifier of luxury. What does matter is the weight of the silk or the 'momme.' 22 momme is considered ideal for most silk bedding.